The Garland Charity Classic provided fourteen $1000 scholarships to JL students last year. Raffle tickets are available for purchase in the Administrative Office $5 each or 3 for $10. Please follow the link below if you're interested in sponsoring the event or registering a team.
From Coach Walker:
**MS Girls' Volleyball Practice will start August 26th @ 5:30-7:30pm** All 7th & 8th grade girls are invited to join! Remember that all athletes need a sports physical before they can practice. Just bring it with you on the first day! After practice, there will be a quick mandatory parent meeting.
Practice/game schedules will be given out on that first day as well, but please plan on Aug. 27th-29th after school until 5:30 in Johannesburg with an activity bus returning to Lewiston like usual.
We are welcoming a new coach to our middle school program, Coach Butterfield, who will be coaching our 8th grade girls this year! We are looking forward to a great season. See everyone the 26th!
Let me know if you have any questions. Please also spread the word to any other 7th and 8th grade girls who may be interested in playing this year. Thanks!
Families and Community! Spread it far and wide! Johannesburg-Lewiston Area Schools is preparing to have UNIVERSAL Pre-K this fall. Go to to register your child today!
2024-2025 School Supply Lists are available at
JLAS will be accepting School of Choice applications August 1-19. The application will go live August 1:
Jayden Marlatt, Cassie Tallman, Reagan Sides played in the Division 4 All-Star Game
Happy July Cardinal families! We are excited to share the 2024-2025 school calendar with you and hope you are soaking up some sunshine!
Sports Physicals offered at TBCHS.
Check out the latest opportunities to join the Cardinal family! 📚🚌✏️❤️🤍🖤
Stay up to date with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything JLAS, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app!
Download for Android
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The JLAS Fitness center, located in the Johannesburg building, new addition, will be opening next week, Monday, June 24th, for community use times. Please be sure to read over the expectations for use of the space and follow the rules so we can keep it open to be enjoyed. The Lewiston facility is currently getting equipment and will be opening once it is put together.
This opportunity is for the residents of the Johannesburg-Lewiston Area School District as part of the passage of the school bond in 2020.
Are you in the know about the latest at JLAS? Be sure to download the school app today!
Download for Android
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Administrative Office Summer Hours
Click the link to enroll now!
Great opportunities for students throughout the summer!
Due to inclement weather this week, and the need to begin setup for graduation, Friday's ceremony for the JL Class of 2024 will be held in the new auditorium, instead of on the football field. Auditorium doors will open at 5pm with the ceremony beginning at 6pm. Only water is allowed in the auditorium. Thank you.
Last Day of School 6/5/2024
Lewiston 4th graders had a GREAT time in Lansing! We toured The Capitol, MI Supreme Court, & MI History Museum, watched a show at Abrams Planetarium, and played at Impressions 5 Science Center & FunTymes Adventure Park. 🤩😎
Don't forget to register for tonight's webinar on how screen time impacts kids! It starts at 8pm and if you can't make it, they will send you the recording.
Our awesome staff celebrated the last Friday of the school year! We appreciate all of the community and parent support. It takes all of us working together to educate all kids!