Middle School is M-STEP testing tomorrow. Make sure you have your Chromebook charged and charging cords and any necessary items for testing.
The Advanced Foods class is at it again...this week, delicious desserts😵😋🤗
8th grade students had a great day at Kirtland's Career Exploration Day.
The Stunt Masters BMX assembly brought to students by the "Fund"walk fundraiser we did in the fall, was absolutely amazing! Thank you to our community for your support!
WOW! What an exciting assembly today at Lewiston Elementary!
StuntMasters Inc. inspire students to live thoughtful, active, and purposeful lives by character building, goal setting, physical science, and bike safety. They turning positive thoughts into purposeful actions! Thank you Lewiston PTO for sponsoring this event.
7th Graders made models of the lung to help understand how the diaphragm helps us breathe.
The Advanced Foods class is learning about meal appeal and food placement. They created these master pieces🍽️
New Job Postings as of 4.12.24
Visit https://www.jlas.org/o/jlas/page/job-postings for more information!
Reminder to all 9,10,11 grade students and parents that PSAT/SAT testing will take place Wednesday April 10th. Be sure your chromebooks are charged and that you bring your Chromebook and charger to school.
Reminder to all 9,10,11 grade students and parents that PSAT/SAT testing will take place Wednesday April 10th. Be sure your chromebooks are charged and that you bring your Chromebook and charger to school.
Did you get to see the eclipse today? Thank you to Mr. DeHoog for organizing for JLAS! Many students across the district received eclipse glasses thanks to a generous donation from the Otsego Community Foundation and the Mary Kay Smith Sklarczyk Fund.
Something new! Softball and Baseball programs have partnered with elementary to have Big/Littles!
Reminder- Johannesburg Family Literacy night is Tuesday!
*Kindergarten Registration Information*
If you have a child who will turn 5 years old by September 1, 2024 please click the link and sign your child up to begin his/her Cardinal journey.
Thanks to the community support of the 2020 bond, our spring sports teams have begun using the field house for some practices! At this time, we are focusing on spring sport use of the facility. The fitness center is not ready yet, but we anticipate community use hours by the end of the summer. The Lewiston gym is available for community use outside of school hours by completing a Building Use Form available on the website in the School Policy Section.
Tutors will be reaching out if your child was identified as needing additional tutoring!
Black out!
MS TRACK: Please see Coach Long during lunch, starting tomorrow 3/19 through Friday 3/22, to sign-up. Practice will start after school on April 2nd. MUST have physical to participate.
Reminder- $1.00 pajama day will be tomorrow for all K-8 staff and students.
Spring Break 3/25/24 - 4/1/24